No. 002 (2022): "The Caspian in the Digital Age" within the framework of the International Scientific Forum "Caspian 2021: Ways of Sustainable Development"

May 27, 2021, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Baeva Liudmila Vladimirovna — PhD (Philosophy), Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, Astrakhan State University, Russian Federation,
Markelov Konstantin Alekseevich — Candidate of Economic Sciences, Full Professor, Rector of Astrakhan State University, Russian Federation,
On May 27, 2021, the Government of the Astrakhan region together with partner universities of the Consortium of Higher Education Institutions and Scientific Organizations of the Astrakhan region held the National conference with international participation "The Caspian in the Digital Age" within the framework of the International Scientific Forum "Caspian 2021: Ways of Sustainable Development". The sections of this conference received the status of international discussion platforms, where the issues of strengthening Russia's position in the Caspian Sea, achieving national objectives for accelerated economic growth, scientific and innovative development, export of Russian education to the Caspian countries, as well as the retention of talented young people in the geostrategic region were discussed.
The conference brought together over 400 scientists and academics from higher education institutions of the Caspian countries. The geography of the conference was widely represented by scientists from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Canada as well as from Russian cities: Astrakhan, Elista, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Krasnodar, Simferopol.
Among scientists who were included into Organizing and Program Committees, it is necessary to mention Abbasov Ali Magomedovich — Professor of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Mostaf Rostami — Professor of Mazdaran University of Islamic Republic of Iran, Asylbek Shahmuratovich Kanbetov — Professor, Director of Caspian Research Institute of Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after S. Utebayev, A.A. Abbasov — Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences, V.A. Dukhovny — Director of the Caspian Institute of Science of Azerbaijan, Amir Elekpour Estalaki — Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Gilan University of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Badma Katinovich Salaev — Rector of the Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov of the Republic of Kalmykia.
The conference comprised of 5 sections and focused on discussing and finding solutions to the most important issues and challenges facing the Caspian Sea region.
Participants of the event managed to identify main issues on environmental, socio-political, national, and cultural security of the Caspian region, as well as financial cybersecurity, development of agro-industrial and fishery complexes, personnel training, creation of safe food space, and prospects of international transport corridor "North-South" development. In addition, optimal ways of solving these problems using the scientific and educational potential of the Caspian macro-region were outlined.