Ethnopsychological peculiarities of coping strategies of law enforcement officers of the Commonwealth of Independent States



  • Tatiana Maltseva Academy of Management of MIA of Russia, Department of Psychology, Pedagogy, and Organization of Work with Personnel, Moscow, Russia
  • Aychurok Zayyrbekova Academy of Management of MIA of Russia, Department of Psychology, Pedagogy, and Organization of Work with Personnel, Moscow, Russia
  • Natalia Bashlueva Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Department of Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Disciplines, Moscow, Russia
  • Marina Kutepova Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Department of Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Disciplines, Moscow, Russia
  • Ekaterina Sepiashvili Moscow Regional Cossack Institute of Technology and Management (branch) of Moscow State University of Technology and Management Razumovsky (First Cossack University), Administrative and management personnel, Volokolamsk, Russia


ethnopsychology, ethnic groups, multi-ethnic societies, internal security, stress


Coping strategies are actualized in the official activities of law enforcement officers by situations that have an element of injustice, lack of time, difficulties in life situations, unpredictability and uncertainty of official tasks, the peculiarities of relations with management. By studying the ethno-psychological characteristics of coping strategies, the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) psychologists will provide adequate psychological assistance select competent methods and techniques aimed at the impact of destructive coping strategies and the development of constructive ones. The study aims to research and compare personality coping strategies in different ethnic groups of DIA officers of the CIS countries. The hypothesis of the research: one of the manifestations of ethnopsychological features of the personality of DIA officers of the CIS countries can be considered the differences in the set of coping strategies. The scientific novelty of the research: for the first time, the ethno-psychological peculiarities of coping strategies of the personality of DIA officers of the CIS countries, which are included in the implementation process of professional activity, were studied and revealed. SACS questionnaire was used for the study (S. Hobfall, 1994). The results of the comparative analysis showed significant differences on all scales of the methodology, except for the scales of “entering into social contact” and “cautious actions”, which can be positively assessed, since DIA officers of the studied ethnic groups do not seek to achieve their goals exclusively by influencing the human consciousness by covert, deceptive and violent tactics.


