Methodological problems of studying the living standard and life quality in international practice



  • Elena Nikitskaya Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Department of National and Regional Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Meri Valishvili Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Department of National and Regional Economics, Moscow, Russia. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Department of Finance and Prices, Moscow, Russia
  • Lyudmila Ivanova-Shvets Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Basic Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation “Development of Human Capital”, Moscow, Russia


life quality, living standard, working life quality, subjective-objective approach, Human Development Index, rating


Assessment of living conditions and welfare of the population in modern conditions is associated with the categories of “life quality”, “working life quality”, “living standard”. In the course of the study, it was found that these concepts still do not have a generally accepted interpretation, and their interpretations are subjective-objective. Consequently, there is an inconsistency in experts’ positions on the system of quantitative and qualitative parameters and methods of assessment corresponding to each of the categories. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the essence of the concept of life quality is much broader than the concept of living standard and goes beyond the minimum essential needs of society. The article summarizes the conceptual and methodological approaches to assessing life quality. The study revealed that the information sources for implementing the objective approach are indicators published by statistical authorities, while the subjective approach is based on expert evaluations, public opinion polls, social ratings. The authors present an analytical review, confirming the need for further scientific research in assessing the level and quality of life, aimed at eliminating the methodological differences in the interpretation of their essence and content.


