Biological and behavioural elements of the mechanism for retention of age-dependent personnel efficiency potential




Mechanism for maintaining work efficiency potential, Elderly workers, Work – private life balance


The paper attempts to substantiate the possibility of maintaining the efficiency of elderly staff through the formation of a mechanism focused on preventing and overcoming the risks of medical, biological and behavioural nature. The authors give a definition of the
mechanism that allows one to maintain the desire and the ability to continue productive activities. The characteristics of success potential of aged staff, that are different from those of other age categories, have been identified. The triad of phases in the vital labour cycle is characterised from relevant medical and biological points of view, organisational requirements as well as individual challenges and needs. The biological component of human life is presented through the markers of its dynamics. The work – private life balance components have been explored. The main reasons of role conflicts substantiating the imbalance of elderly workers’ work and private life have been identified. The risks of weakened competitiveness of elderly workers and reduction of their endurance capacity have been characterised. Some concepts for mitigating the situation of work – private life imbalance through time management, health management and social support have been developed. The influence of medico-biomedical risk factors on retention of elderly employees’ performance has been demonstrated. The reasons causing risks in achieving ageing staff’s success have been grouped, and the subjects initiating these risks have been identified.


